Did you know Isaac Newton invented the cat door

image credit : purrfectlyhomey.com

Did Isaac Newton invent the cat door?

Isaac Newton was one of the most brilliant scientists of all time. He made groundbreaking contributions to physics, mathematics, and astronomy. 

He is also credited with inventing the calculus and the laws of motion.

However, there is one invention that is often attributed to Newton that he may not have actually invented: the cat door.

The story of Newton inventing the cat door is a popular one. It goes that Newton was so distracted by his cat scratching at the door while he was working that he had a hole cut in the door so that the cat could come and go freely.

However, there is no concrete evidence to support this story. The earliest known cat doors date back to ancient Egypt, and there is no evidence that Newton made any significant contributions to the design or development of cat doors.

The story of Newton inventing the cat door may have originated from a biography of Newton published in 1823. The biography states that Newton was so distracted by his cat scratching at the door while he was working that he had a hole cut in the door so that the cat could come and go freely. 

However, there is no evidence to support this story, and it is likely that it is apocryphal.

So, why is the story of Newton inventing the cat door so popular? It is possible that the story is popular because it is a humanizing story about a brilliant scientist. 

Newton is often seen as a cold and aloof figure, but the story of the cat door shows that he was also a caring pet owner.

Another possibility is that the story is popular because it is a funny story. The image of Newton being so distracted by his cat that he cuts a hole in the door is a humorous one.

Whatever the reason for its popularity, the story of Newton inventing the cat door is a myth. There is no evidence to support the claim, and the earliest known cat doors date back to ancient Egypt.

The history of the cat door

The earliest known cat doors date back to ancient Egypt. Archaeologists have found cat doors in the ruins of ancient Egyptian homes, and there are also depictions of cat doors in Egyptian art.

It is believed that cat doors were invented in Egypt because cats were considered to be sacred animals. Cats were associated with the goddess Bastet, and they were often kept as pets in Egyptian homes. 

Cat doors allowed cats to come and go freely, without disturbing their owners.

Cat doors were also used in ancient Greece and Rome. However, they did not become popular in Europe until the Middle Ages.

 In the Middle Ages, cat doors were often found in castles and other fortified buildings. Cat doors allowed cats to enter and leave the building without having to be let in or out by a human.

Cat doors became more popular in the 19th century with the invention of the spring-loaded cat flap. Spring-loaded cat flaps allowed cats to come and go freely, without having to scratch at the door.

Today, cat doors are very popular in many parts of the world. They are a convenient way for cats to come and go freely, and they can also help to keep cats safe from predators.

The benefits of having a cat door

There are a number of benefits to having a cat door. One of the biggest benefits is that it allows cats to come and go freely, without having to disturb their owners. 

This can be especially beneficial for cats that are used to spending time outdoors.

Another benefit of having a cat door is that it can help to keep cats safe. A cat door can prevent cats from being locked out of the house, and it can also help to keep cats safe from predators.

Cat doors can also help to keep cats healthy. Cats that have access to the outdoors are less likely to be overweight or obese. 

They are also less likely to suffer from stress-related problems.


The story of Isaac Newton inventing the cat door is a myth. There is no evidence to support the claim, and the earliest known cat doors date back to ancient Egypt.

However, cat doors are a convenient and beneficial invention for both cats and their owners. 

Cat doors allow cats to come and go freely, without having to disturb their owners. They can also help to keep cats safe and healthy.