Did you know Elvis Presley made only 1 television commercial

source image : wikipedia.com

Elvis Presley's only television commercial: A rare and interesting piece of memorabilia

Elvis Presley was one of the most iconic and influential entertainers of all time. He is known for his music, his movies, and his flamboyant stage persona. 

However, what many people may not know is that Elvis only made one television commercial in his entire career.

The commercial was for Southern Maid Donuts, and it aired on the Louisiana Hayride radio show in 1954. Elvis was just 19 years old at the time, and he was still relatively unknown. 

The commercial was a short jingle, and it went like this:

  • You can get 'em piping hot after four PM,
  • You can get 'em piping hot.
  • Southern Maid Donuts hit the spot,
  • You can get 'em piping hot after four PM.

The commercial has never been released, but there is a recording of it that was made by a fan who was listening to the Louisiana Hayride radio show at the time.

It is not clear why Elvis only made one television commercial. It is possible that he was simply too busy with his music career to pursue commercial opportunities. 

He may also have been concerned about the impact that doing commercials would have on his image as a rebellious rock and roll star.

Whatever the reason, Elvis's only television commercial is a rare and interesting piece of memorabilia. It is a reminder of his early career and his humble beginnings.

The context of the commercial

In 1954, Elvis was just starting out in his music career. He had released a few singles, but he had not yet had a major hit. 

He was also a regular performer on the Louisiana Hayride radio show, which was a popular country music program.

The Louisiana Hayride was broadcast live, and it was a popular destination for fans to see their favorite country music stars perform. The show also featured a number of commercial breaks, and Elvis was asked to do a commercial for Southern Maid Donuts during one of these breaks.

Elvis was not sure about doing the commercial at first. He was a bit of a rebel, and he didn't want to be seen as selling out. 

However, he was also struggling financially, and the money from the commercial would help him to make ends meet.

In the end, Elvis agreed to do the commercial. It was a short and simple jingle, but it was effective. The commercial helped to promote Southern Maid Donuts, and it also helped to raise Elvis's profile.

The impact of the commercial

Elvis's only television commercial had a significant impact on his career. It helped him to gain national exposure, and it also helped him to secure a recording contract with RCA Records.

The commercial also helped to shape Elvis's image. The fact that he was willing to do a commercial for a local donut shop showed that he was down-to-earth and relatable to his fans.

The legacy of the commercial

Elvis's only television commercial is a rare and interesting piece of memorabilia. It is a reminder of his early career and his humble beginnings. It is also a reminder of his impact on popular culture.

The commercial is also a reminder of the power of advertising. Elvis was a rising star at the time, but he was still relatively unknown. 

The commercial helped to introduce him to a wider audience, and it helped to launch his career into the stratosphere.


Elvis Presley's only television commercial is a significant piece of pop culture history. It is a reminder of his early career, his humble beginnings, and his impact on popular culture. 

It is also a reminder of the power of advertising.